Cyclosystem Pte Ltd (Bulox Corporation), Singapore

About Bulox-Cyclo
Bulox-Cyclo works hand in hand with SMRT/ LTA as they need a reliable and advanced to power the wagon in the most intelligent way for their maintenance work. They have been maintaining the condition of public transports especially the MRT.
The Challenge
Singapore is a bustling city with a high population of people living in this country and has a high cost of living. Thus, public transport became a common transportation tool for almost everyone including working adults, students and even the elderlies. Any delays, faults or transport breaking down can bring inconvenience to the public.
Bulox-Cyclo already possessed their own unique system and wanted to integrate other system into the master design. It was tough as the system itself has communication issues and they couldn’t deliver signals to other systems they wished to integrate in. Bulox-Cyclo hopes to achieve zero failures and started searching for other third party company for establishing a solution.
The Denyo Solution
Bulox-Cyclo approach Denyo to in-corporate our technology to assist them with their railway maintenance works. They are hoping that Denyo can assist them with their system which has the ability to be the master control covering the entire system, gathering data from the other systems and monitoring the generator performance from time to time. They requested that all communications to be established by building up a serial line communication protocol that allows exchanging signals between systems as a solution.
Without much hesitation, Denyo recommended the SmartRMS as the ultimate solution to their concerns. After that with follow up actions, Denyo took the initiative to discuss with all the other vendors actively and also to understand more about their individual systems. With expertise on the technical side of things, Denyo is able to solve all questions raised by the main contractor, supplier and the end-user. With the help of remarkable engineering capability, Denyo is able to develop the master control philosophy over the entire system to match all the requirements raised.
Following the Control & Command system philosophy established by Denyo, simulations to mimic the conditions of the installation site were conducted. Denyo has conducted trainings to educate the staff on how to operate the system. The SAT (Site Acceptance Test) has been carried out twice for SMRT/LTA and undoubtedly, the results have proven positive, achieving zero power failure – proving the value of Denyo’s generator and its SmartAMF system. Denyo also fully provide sales support after the completion of this project.
With the new revamped overall control system in place, Bulox-Cyclo is very satisfied with the outstanding services and the attitude of the Denyo team.