Hulu Terengganu Hydroelectric, Malaysia

The Challenge
As part of the Malaysian Government’s ongoing efforts to provide peak load capacity to the Terengganu region so as to meet increasing electricity demand and improve power system security with the use of renewable energy (and at the same time reduce carbon emissions), The Hulu Terengganu Hydroelectric project was commissioned by Tenaga Nasional Berhad, the government-linked electric utility company and is expected to provide four hundred and sixty (460) gigawatt hours of energy each year once operational.
A project of such scale and nature naturally attracted intense public attention and scrutiny, especially from environmental groups such as World Wide Fund for Nature and the International Union for Conservation of Nature over concerns on the potential impact to the surrounding biological ecosystem.
Exemplary care must go into ensuring that pollution - if any - is reduced to the absolute minimum, from the main construction works to the full range of supporting equipment and activities that power the entire project operations.
The Denyo Solution
Denyo was called in to provide the required generators for onsite power to the range of facilities and equipment at the site office, which includes but not limited to: lights, computers, air-conditioning, as well as a whole gamut of office machinery.
Due to the activity patterns of the worker shifts, the Denyo generators were customised and configured with auto-synchronisation and changeover capabilities. This allowed the generators to automatically raise power output during the daytime hours to meet the demand of increased activities onsite, and subsequently drop back to fuel-saving levels during the night when there was less movement.
With such a configuration, Denyo generators were able to provide adequate power depending on the usage without the need for spare units to be kept as standby or redundancy, thereby maximising efficiency and cost savings, not to mention reducing pollution as much as possible.
Because of the autosync and changeover configuration, there was not a single incident of failure or malfunction from the Denyo generators throughout the 2 years that the whole project took to complete.
In the end, Denyo surpassed all the stringent requirements and performance expectations of its generators and then some, contributing to the success and excellent showing by the main contractor of the project.
Product(s) used in this project