Alpha In Vitro Fertilization Centre, Singapore

About Alpha IVF Centre & Alpha Women’s Specialists
Located in the heart of Singapore’s healthcare hub, Alpha IVF Centre is renowned for their expertise in fertility treatment augmented with state-of-the-art technology and equipment to maximise success rates.
Alpha IVF Centre strives to be the centre of choice by creating excellent patient experiences in all aspects of clinical care and adopting a patient-centric approach that promotes confidence and reliance between clients and care providers.
The Challenge
Even though Singapore has a reliable supply of electricity which is among the best in the world, a surprise power outage does happen from time to time. On 18 September 2018, a power outage titled the worst in 14 years lasted for 38 minutes – affecting residential and nearby healthcare facilities.1
Catastrophic losses can happen if such power failure were to hit the fertility centre; equipment will be down and puts clients’ family planning into jeopardy. As unfortunate as it may be, such an event once happened to Flinders fertility clinic in Adelaide, Australia. It was to great distress that the facility’s backup generators have failed to start during the state-wide blackout – which compromised the incubators and destroying embryos of twelve families.2
A large part of Alpha IVF Centre’s success lies in confidence, and inability to cope with power cut could cause repercussions on the clinic’s image. Hence, they called for a reliable power solution that can immediately support equipment loads upon mains failure – in the shortest delivery time frame.

The Denyo Solution
With immediate action, personnel from Denyo Singapore were sent in for a joint engineering study on the load list with the client, followed by an installation discussion with the appointed contractor.
Upon discussion, both parties were ascertained engineering modifications on the generator with the inclusion of SmartAMF (Smart Auto Mains Failure) can be hugely beneficial. The existing indicator panel is to be substituted with a smart controller to deliver alarm indication and crucial protections for the generator. Furthermore, the SmartAMF will be strategically installed into the generator body to ensure instant emergency power upon outage – without taking up additional space.
For peace of mind, the client has requested for a test run with the loading of all IVF equipment – for eight running hours. But unfortunately, it transpired that the generator room has poor air circulation; which tripped the generator during the run and triggered the overheating protection of the smart controller. Understanding the root cause, Denyo engineering team promptly offer solutions to improve ventilation by increasing capacity of the external blower fan and diversion of the duct pipe – to optimise air-flow.
With the completion of the alterations, the generator was tested perfect with zero issues for a continuous eight running hours – in loaded condition.

With all the necessary modifications on the generator, the delivery time frame proved to be a challenge – yet our professional engineers deliver the result with no compromises. Denyo’s relations with customers do not end at the point of delivery, instead, we go extra miles in following up with the whole installation sequence.
The result is clear; a pleased customer that is deeply impressed by Denyo’s product and our value-added services.
Product(s) used in this project