Shell Eco-Marathon Asia, The Philippines

The Challenge
Shell has organised an annual global programme called the Shell Eco-Marathon – bringing thousands of inspiring students around the world together to design and build ultra-energy-efficient cars and take them out on the track to compete.
For three consecutive years (2014-2016), the Shell Eco-Marathon Asia was held on a race track built around Luneta Park in Manila, Philippines. Aside from the main event, there were also activities that comprise of games and exhibits that lasted for a week within the vicinity of Luneta Park.
Luneta Park is a historic location for local and foreign visitors to stroll around while enjoying the atmospheric ambient as there are landmarks, museums and hotels within the vicinity. As a global energy company, Shell set high standards of performance and environmental responsibility. They needed the power supply equipment for the event to meet their expectations – producing less emission and noise disturbance. Hence, Hastings Motor, Denyo’s authorised dealer in the Philippines was called in to provide the required power solutions to support this event.

The Denyo Solution
Recognising the difficulty of this situation, it was not surprising that conventional generators are incapable of handling this feat as it will emit excessive emissions and noise pollution that could damage the tranquillity.
To fulfil the stringent requirements; the generators supplied must be compliance with pollution control regulations and be audibly unnoticeable. Based on the scale of the event, a total of twenty-six (26) Denyo silent generators of various capacities were deployed to power the event from sunup to sundown; without a single day’s rest for the entire week.

The Shell Eco-Marathon Asia 2014-2016 concluded successfully with no downtime during the entire event. All twenty-six (26) Denyo silent generators performed flawlessly and met all expectations requested. By working with Denyo, Shell has been able to align their environmental goals while achieving event success. Denyo generator has once again proved to be the perfect power supply equipment for deployment in highly urban and densely populated areas.
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