Mitigate Climate Change with Denyo Smart Power Series

“We must mitigate climate change,” said Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in his recent National Day Rally speech. It means that we must all do our part to reduce carbon emission. Climate change is an existential threat that should be treated as an issue of national security – with utmost seriousness – as it is one of the gravest challenges the human race faces.
Human activities have produced excessive carbon dioxide, which is then pumped into the atmosphere – causing the planet to warm up, and temperatures to rise fast. It might not sound like much but it is already affecting civilisations with daily reports on ice sheet disintegrating, glaciers shrinking, coral bleaching, sea level rising and so forth.

Acknowledging the scale and urgency of the situation, the Singapore Government has implemented measures to reduce carbon emissions across sectors, such as improving energy efficiency and deploying low-carbon technology. It is also the first country in South-east Asia to introduce an economy-wide carbon tax at S$5 per tonne of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – with plans to increase the rate by 2030.
As the forerunner in the global machinery industry, Denyo has always stood at the frontline to combat environmental issues, especially against climate change. With our proactive approach on strategic research and development, birth the future of power generator technology – Smart Power Series – a winning combination of brains and brawn.
The Denyo Smart Power Series comprises of SmartRMS, SmartSYNC, SmartAMF and SmartSOFT which completes a total solution that could substantially bring down the carbon emission produced by diesel-powered generators around the world. Our smart technology and superior generators have supported various industries with significant savings in diesel consumptions – thus mitigating the occurrence of pollution without compromising on either efficiency or reliability.

Tackling climate change is a whole-of-nation effort, and Denyo is steadily pushing boundaries with innovative and eco-friendly solutions that go above and beyond. We mustn’t go down without a fight as it is not too late to contribute to sustained climate action. Talk to us to find out how you can play a part.