4 Advantages of SmartSYNC System

About Denyo SmartSYNC (Synchronizing System)
Denyo SmartSYNC system synchronizes and matches the parameters (such as voltage, frequency, etc.) of multiple smaller capacity generators to perform a stable parallel operation – in supporting larger and inconsistent electrical loads. To provide the best fuel saving profile, Denyo SmartSYNC integrated generators work on a load-dependent start and stop feature, which allows a number of generators to start, depending on the current load demand level. Here is how the Denyo SmartSYNC system contributes to operational savings and increase power system reliability.
Fuel Savings and Self-Learning Mechanism
The load-dependent start and stop feature allows a number of generators to start, depending on the current load demand level. When there is a low load, the SmartSYNC system will activate and turn on the minimum generator(s) required while the remaining generators are configured to a standby mode. As the load demand gets higher, subsequent generators will be turned on automatically, according to the actual load demand. With this function, users do not have to power a big generator throughout an operation and can expect significant savings in fuel cost!
To fulfil every single need from different sectors, Denyo SmartSYNC system can support up to 32 generators at one go – forming a significant power system network to achieve higher power output capacity. More than that, SmartSYNC system is highly adaptable that any operational request can be fulfilled and programmed using PLC logic, so that sufficient generators can be started prior to the start of the big load.
Continuity of Operation and Safety
One single failure on a big generator can bring the entire power system down. Denyo SmartSYNC system ensures continuity of operation by utilising multiple generators to supply power for a big load which prevent unnecessary mechanical stress on one single big generator. The power system redundancy is greatly improved by having smaller generators working on SmartSYNC technology to optimize operation. A single failure on a generator will trigger a standby generator to be activated and seamlessly run in parallel with the current active group. Therefore, users can then isolate the faulty generator to carry out repair job – ensuring no disruption to the entire operation.
Also, constantly running a big generator in under load condition will cause oil leakage and exhaust pipe will be clogged with unburnt carbon. If issues caused by low loading are left unattended, it will gradually shorten the generator lifespan and is more prone to failure.
In this article, we displayed four benefits of the Denyo SmartSYNC system that are closely interlinked to deliver values to our customers. Feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you. Thank you.